Krista76: Potager to Be
Krista76: Potager in progress
Krista76: Kitchen garden, early spring.
Krista76: Kitchen garden progress
Krista76: Potager In Progress
Krista76: Looking out from basement
Krista76: The glacier recedes.
Krista76: Other back bed
Krista76: side bed that will eventually become a flagstone patio of sorts.
Krista76: toad house with painted ferns
Krista76: back of the long bed
Krista76: Long bed
Krista76: long bed. next time, the rows will be more closely spaced.
Krista76: view from deck
Krista76: Kitchen garden, early September
Krista76: Long bed, early September
Krista76: Garlique and overwintered herbs.
Krista76: The garlic bed, about a week ago.
Krista76: Zone 5 Tomatillo!
Krista76: Cabbage!
Krista76: Carrots, about ready to be pulled.
Krista76: Bison tomatoes.
Krista76: We were somewhere around 33 inches for the winter when this was taken. Catching up to the average!
Krista76: Kitchen garden, well blanketed
Krista76: Kitchen garden, early June. 100 heads of garlic, 11 Thai basil plants, a red currant bush, and a Geisha hosta on the left. Flowering chives on the right. Working on rescuing the upper right bed, which wasn't used or mulched at all last year and has erod
Krista76: Put to bed
Krista76: Starting seeds
Krista76: Seedlings are happening.
Krista76: Garlic bed!
Krista76: After three years, the red currant bush is starting to bear fruit!