Krista76: Paul
Krista76: Marnie, Kenny, and Paul
Krista76: social exchange!
Krista76: Shannon, Kim, and Doug
Krista76: Kenny explains it all
Krista76: Tristan considers the matter
Krista76: Compatriot G
Krista76: This is pretty much right.
Krista76: Lotsa drinks
Krista76: this one pretty much sums up the birthday
Krista76: Card and Round Up Gum from Marnie
Krista76: rose gradation
Krista76: Nickle-Plated Gort from Dad
Krista76: Nickle-Plated Gort from Dad
Krista76: Mr. Husband just turned me loose in the toy and electronic sections of Target
Krista76: Not-Yet-Named dancing-flapping-music Penguin
Krista76: Wim Wenders mix from Shannon
Krista76: Star Trek Communicator/Badges from Fresca