Krista76: Part of the Catholic Diocese offices
Krista76: St. John's armpit cracked.
Krista76: St. John
Krista76: Formerly Old World Pizza
Krista76: Albert Pike Hotel
Krista76: Albert Pike Hotel
Krista76: Albert Pike Hotel
Krista76: Drive Slow, Ya'll
Krista76: John H. Funk & Son
Krista76: Masonic Temple Freize
Krista76: A Wide Array
Krista76: Disdain.
Krista76: Further disdain.
Krista76: So much disdainfulness.
Krista76: Enough. Leaving now.
Krista76: UPS
Krista76: The former U.S. Pizza Sherwood
Krista76: Kennedy Heating and Air Conditioning
Krista76: Still life
Krista76: View from the upper deck
Krista76: Lower dock, view to the right
Krista76: Lower dock, view to the left
Krista76: Grandpa contemplates the river
Krista76: Grandma delivers her opinion
Krista76: Grandma
Krista76: Tree, Vines, Light
Krista76: Haystacks to the left of the house
Krista76: Sunset from front lawn
Krista76: sunset
Krista76: Quilt made by my Momo