slewpop: Ben heading for the pool
slewpop: Ben at the pool
slewpop: Ben after the pool
slewpop: Lewis boys
slewpop: Decisions
slewpop: Will and Ben
slewpop: Big bear
slewpop: Sand angel
slewpop: Ben crashed at the beach
slewpop: Will enjoying vacation
slewpop: Ben and the Baluga
slewpop: Will, Ben, Baluga
slewpop: Will and Little Lewis
slewpop: Do not feed the birds
slewpop: Will and Grandma
slewpop: Vacation
slewpop: Bare Ben
slewpop: 3 out of 4 isn't bad
slewpop: Will on the flight deck of the Midway
slewpop: USS Midway
slewpop: Will on the Midway