Slewfiddlelou: Kickin' on bass
Slewfiddlelou: Did he just throw that?
Slewfiddlelou: Still throwing things
Slewfiddlelou: I love sweaty boys...
Slewfiddlelou: I would take offense if that was your middle finger!
Slewfiddlelou: Marriage to a slide..
Slewfiddlelou: I am happiest when sitting right here..
Slewfiddlelou: Singing his heart out
Slewfiddlelou: Stevie?? where are your glasses?
Slewfiddlelou: Fiddlin with Flatfoot
Slewfiddlelou: pullin a riff..
Slewfiddlelou: AHHHHHHHHHHH
Slewfiddlelou: gotta hit those high notes somehow..
Slewfiddlelou: Talent I tell ya, talent!