sldownard: Daphne and Sabrina
sldownard: Dan
sldownard: Loren and Me and A Touching Moment
sldownard: K. worshipping at the altar of mp3s
sldownard: Drinky drinky
sldownard: Davidr
sldownard: Rich and Arin
sldownard: DSC00059
sldownard: DSC00057
sldownard: Daphne and If, the Flying Pig
sldownard: DSC00046
sldownard: DSC00039
sldownard: DSC00038
sldownard: DSC00029
sldownard: DSC00021
sldownard: Michael and meat
sldownard: Michael in Edinburgh
sldownard: Les and Pete from the Duke of Wellington Pub
sldownard: Rachel likes girly drinks
sldownard: Sean and Steph at the finish line
sldownard: I'm winning.
sldownard: A sense of scale
sldownard: Trains are cool
sldownard: Alex, Carlos, and Ivan
sldownard: Carlos and Ivan
sldownard: Carlos
sldownard: Last day in Vegas
sldownard: They also gave us FRS, which is nice but not nearly as awesome as a finisher's medal
sldownard: VICTORY IS OURS
sldownard: I mentioned there was a finisher's medal, right?