slcook52 (Sylvia): moment of time
slcook52 (Sylvia): "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" ~ John Keats
slcook52 (Sylvia): Who knew a web could hold such treasures?
slcook52 (Sylvia): a world of it's own
slcook52 (Sylvia): Intermission over
slcook52 (Sylvia): "The most successful people are those who are good at plan B."
slcook52 (Sylvia): Chinese Lantern Plant
slcook52 (Sylvia): pink to drink
slcook52 (Sylvia): back to nature
slcook52 (Sylvia): how do you view the world?
slcook52 (Sylvia): "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?"
slcook52 (Sylvia): simple pleasures
slcook52 (Sylvia): Balancing act
slcook52 (Sylvia): "Oh! where do fairies hide their heads"
slcook52 (Sylvia): "Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience."
slcook52 (Sylvia): "In the arena of human life the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action."
slcook52 (Sylvia): "we can't survive without enchantment."
slcook52 (Sylvia): “Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look at what they can do when they stick together.”
slcook52 (Sylvia): "I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering."
slcook52 (Sylvia): for Tony ♥
slcook52 (Sylvia): "Art is long, life short; judgment difficult, opportunity transient."
slcook52 (Sylvia): "And the spring comes slowly up this way."
slcook52 (Sylvia): "A flower's appeal is in its contradictions - so delicate in form yet strong in fragrance, so small in size yet big in beauty, so short in life yet long on effect."
slcook52 (Sylvia): I found myself face down in the grass
slcook52 (Sylvia): For the sweet Elyani
slcook52 (Sylvia): Dogwoods at the botanical garden