-- Slavin: Women I Love
-- Slavin: Brockman and Adam
-- Slavin: Awkward moment
-- Slavin: Brockman: "Would it be worse if you brought home an athiest or a Jew?"
-- Slavin: Eva, Dan, Neri, Adam
-- Slavin: IMG_0029
-- Slavin: Adam does his thing
-- Slavin: Modern life (reading the Ghost Map, which I just finished)
-- Slavin: I refuse to ever use the word "chillaxing"
-- Slavin: Eva
-- Slavin: Brockman and Dan vs. the Umbrella
-- Slavin: Dan vs. Umbrella (Dan won, sort of)
-- Slavin: Eva + feet
-- Slavin: Guest house
-- Slavin: Where I was sitting later with Moses when the fireflies arrived.
-- Slavin: Neri and Jess
-- Slavin: Neri, Ayah, Jess
-- Slavin: Adam vs. Jessica (Jessica won, third round)
-- Slavin: Walking off Insomnia at Brockman's, 5AM