slark: Relationships of pronouns as depicted in the one-scale model of hierarchy
slark: One-scale model of heirarchy showing the difference between I-thou and I-you relationships and between inclusive and exclusive we relationships
slark: Direct and notional perspectives, as represented in a one-scale diagram
slark: The steps from evolution of heap to social or individual holon
slark: Evolution of the holarchy proceeds from heap to social holon to individual holon, which then creates (or may create) new heaps and social holons on the next level of existence
slark: Nested and non-nested hierarchy
slark: Scale-free network
slark: Ordered network
slark: Randomly connected network
slark: Modified ordered network
slark: Representation of developmental streams in the one-scale model
slark: The relationship between horizontal (hetarchical) and vertical (hierarchical) relationships
slark: Three views of the relationship of stellar or macro evolution to biological or micro evolution
slark: A diagram showing Wilber's eight zones or perspectives of IMP in the one-scale model
slark: Schematic diagram of Wilber's Integral Methodological Pluralism