stephanlam: Beukelsblauw
stephanlam: IMG_2013
stephanlam: IMG_2001
stephanlam: IMG_2154
stephanlam: 060204_024752
stephanlam: Where the stranger lives
stephanlam: IMG_2257
stephanlam: Sjaarloos
stephanlam: Street art
stephanlam: bicycle boy doing the onewheel trick
stephanlam: Don't play chess but cross the street
stephanlam: poor, poor car
stephanlam: smash your window
stephanlam: poor car
stephanlam: it's a lantern
stephanlam: Stencil art:
stephanlam: The hidden k
stephanlam: squares
stephanlam: Ziekenhuis
stephanlam: Blaak
stephanlam: Library Rotterdam
stephanlam: Job making pictures
stephanlam: Library Rotterdam
stephanlam: Kubus & potlood
stephanlam: Potlood
stephanlam: Potlood
stephanlam: Steering wheel shadow
stephanlam: Library Rotterdam
stephanlam: Library Rotterdam
stephanlam: Inname