James Dyas Davidson: Tomnaverie recumbent and flankers.
James Dyas Davidson: No more bothy nights
James Dyas Davidson: Abandoned Upper Watererne
James Dyas Davidson: At the bedroom window, Upper Watererne
James Dyas Davidson: As one door closes
James Dyas Davidson: Broken banister on the landing
James Dyas Davidson: Rusty red roof of Jock's barn.
James Dyas Davidson: The panes of abandonment.
James Dyas Davidson: Their memories of home burn bright
James Dyas Davidson: They were too vulnerable to survive.
James Dyas Davidson: Feint traces of migration.
James Dyas Davidson: No sign of them yet.
James Dyas Davidson: Snow circle.
James Dyas Davidson: Postman's been.
James Dyas Davidson: The furthest from home she'd ever been was Aberdeen
James Dyas Davidson: It became a land framed by barbed wire and inescapable poverty.
James Dyas Davidson: Cured of their long term economic evils.
James Dyas Davidson: Abandoned graffiti
James Dyas Davidson: He could lie there and stare at the ceiling for as long as he liked. It wouldn't change a thing.
James Dyas Davidson: Everything is displaced, face it.
James Dyas Davidson: He knew he'd run out of options. Their future was clearly marked out for them.
James Dyas Davidson: She always said she heard voices behind the wall.
James Dyas Davidson: Letters from relatives abroad gave them hope about their new life.
James Dyas Davidson: His love of Magritte was too much for her.
James Dyas Davidson: Her obsession with Tolkien only became apparent once they had left.
James Dyas Davidson: Human movement, glacial movement.
James Dyas Davidson: Long Hill Woods
James Dyas Davidson: Near Tarland