James Dyas Davidson: Hanging Heads
James Dyas Davidson: Kelvingrove Central Hall
James Dyas Davidson: Wooden Horse and Knight
James Dyas Davidson: Boared to death
James Dyas Davidson: Mummy, look.
James Dyas Davidson: Rare picture of a haggis
James Dyas Davidson: Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
James Dyas Davidson: ' A gull's a gull for a' that '
James Dyas Davidson: Glasgow city reflection
James Dyas Davidson: You're the Devil in Disguise
James Dyas Davidson: It's an abstract thing
James Dyas Davidson: Out with the old......
James Dyas Davidson: Tartan Army queue up for breakfast.
James Dyas Davidson: Meet me under the bridges - trust me.
James Dyas Davidson: Red, white and blue
James Dyas Davidson: Shapes, lines and colours
James Dyas Davidson: Well hello big boy!
James Dyas Davidson: Arc over the Clyde
James Dyas Davidson: Waiting in Queen St, Glasgow
James Dyas Davidson: Queen Street, Glasgow
James Dyas Davidson: Changes. Glasgow
James Dyas Davidson: Under the bridge, southside. Glasgow
James Dyas Davidson: Under the bridge, northside. Glasgow.