James Dyas Davidson: Postman's been.
James Dyas Davidson: Yvonne and her bees
James Dyas Davidson: Yvonne keeping the path clear.
James Dyas Davidson: A quick snap taken 10:10 10/10/10
James Dyas Davidson: Why did I bother taking out the patio furniture - snowing and -1C in May!
James Dyas Davidson: Sunday morning
James Dyas Davidson: "Works well but easily distracted."
James Dyas Davidson: The recent weather has been no picnic!
James Dyas Davidson: Happy New Year to you and Happy Anniversary to us!
James Dyas Davidson: My windows to the world?
James Dyas Davidson: And still it snows
James Dyas Davidson: Broth on the stove
James Dyas Davidson: Hayloft door
James Dyas Davidson: The start of the summer that never came.
James Dyas Davidson: Honey bees back at Slack
James Dyas Davidson: Happy Beekeepers
James Dyas Davidson: Replacing our colony of honey bees
James Dyas Davidson: OK camera, find me and focus on me.
James Dyas Davidson: Fixing the parasol
James Dyas Davidson: The Met Office had no weather warning for Aberdeenshire today. Look out the window guys!