Rene' Slack: DSC_9790
Rene' Slack: London
Rene' Slack: A more quieter London
Rene' Slack: Making crazy faces for Taylor
Rene' Slack: Another crazy face for Taylor-what a blast
Rene' Slack: Taylor taking Grandmom and Grandad's pic
Rene' Slack: She's really not going to sleep.....
Rene' Slack: Just grabbing my spot so she can work on the computer comfortably!
Rene' Slack: She is sleepy now
Rene' Slack: Freightliner truck in Richmond IN for 4th of July
Rene' Slack: Steve and his Dad, Ward - 4th of July 2011
Rene' Slack: Bunny in Ward's back yard
Rene' Slack: Stopping to take a peek at us peeking at him thru the kitchen window
Rene' Slack: Moving on!
Rene' Slack: Eating cupcakes - looks like Trevyn liked the icing!
Rene' Slack: Now that Tae is enjoying this cupcake - simple pleasures!
Rene' Slack: Don't disturb me by taking those pics, plz
Rene' Slack: Gotcha!
Rene' Slack: Hey Trevyn, looks like Taylor has a little better style, ha!
Rene' Slack: Why is she eating it so s-l-o-w-l-y
Rene' Slack: Now to the ice cream!
Rene' Slack: Ate the cupcakes, ice cream, and the remaining icing I had on hand!
Rene' Slack: Now that's what I'm talking about!
Rene' Slack: A sweet pose!
Rene' Slack: Now for a little entertainment after dinner
Rene' Slack: Taylor belting out a good song!
Rene' Slack: You go girl!
Rene' Slack: Taylor, Allen, Mindy, Trevyn
Rene' Slack: Father and daughter - how very sweet
Rene' Slack: Father and son acting goofy!