Rene' Slack: Army & Navy Photographic Bureau, Baton Rouge, LA
Rene' Slack: Andrew and Deanna_290001
Rene' Slack: Andrew Nathan, January 7, 9 lbs 11 ozs
Rene' Slack: Andrew May 1983
Rene' Slack: Brad high school graduation 1996
Rene' Slack: Brad and Kim
Rene' Slack: Brad, school pic
Rene' Slack: Bradley, 3rd grade, Tremont Elementary
Rene' Slack: Brad and Steve, Highschool graduation 1991
Rene' Slack: Brad and Kim, splashing
Rene' Slack: Andrew and Nick, cleaning the cabinets
Rene' Slack: Bradley playing with his truck
Rene' Slack: Brad and Kim taking a bubble bath, May 1978
Rene' Slack: Bradley in bubble bath 1978
Rene' Slack: Barbee family_110001
Rene' Slack: Brad, 11 years old, 1984
Rene' Slack: Andrew, 8 years old
Rene' Slack: Brad, Columbus Ohio, 1982
Rene' Slack: Brad, Rene, Josh, Kim, and Judson - Wedding Day 1988, Fort Wayne IN
Rene' Slack: Andrew 1983
Rene' Slack: Bradley, school pix
Rene' Slack: Bradley.
Rene' Slack: 2011_07_07_18_27_140001
Rene' Slack: 2011_07_07_18_30_380001
Rene' Slack: Andrew_180001
Rene' Slack: 2011_07_07_20_02_020001
Rene' Slack: 2011_07_07_20_24_280001
Rene' Slack: 2011_07_07_20_24_490001
Rene' Slack: 2011_07_07_20_27_520001