Rene' Slack:
Rene' Slack:
Mom "trying" to hold Boss
Rene' Slack:
Hot and tired
Rene' Slack:
Rene' Slack:
Boss, resting after a romp in the yard
Rene' Slack:
Karl and Donna
Rene' Slack:
Karl, brother in law
Rene' Slack:
Rene' Slack:
Rene' Slack:
Ziggy, my sister's cat
Rene' Slack:
My sister chumming up to Mom
Rene' Slack:
Another one
Rene' Slack:
My sister (Donna) and me
Rene' Slack:
Boss eating an ice cube
Rene' Slack:
Nothing better than a sleeping puppy
Rene' Slack:
Beautiful in black and white
Rene' Slack:
Boss resting on his blanket