Skywalkerbeth: Little Red Schoolhouse near Leadville, Colorado. Leadville is the highest "city" in the US.
Skywalkerbeth: Ballooning is divine
Skywalkerbeth: Near the church of St Francis of Assisi
Skywalkerbeth: Sapphire Point
Skywalkerbeth: Continental Divide
Skywalkerbeth: More Balloon Fiesta
Skywalkerbeth: On the road to the Ghost Town. Near St. Elmo, which is a ghost town. Also near Buena Vista, which is not.
Skywalkerbeth: Santa Fe doorway
Skywalkerbeth: 10Oct Glowdeo
Skywalkerbeth: Canyon Road
Skywalkerbeth: On the road to the Ghost Town
Skywalkerbeth: Sand Dunes
Skywalkerbeth: On the High Road
Skywalkerbeth: Santa Fe galleries
Skywalkerbeth: Last stop Breckenridge
Skywalkerbeth: panorama
Skywalkerbeth: Canyon Road
Skywalkerbeth: Leadville church
Skywalkerbeth: noch einmal
Skywalkerbeth: mounted horsemen
Skywalkerbeth: Balloons
Skywalkerbeth: Sapphire Point overlook, near Dillon, Colorado
Skywalkerbeth: After the Fire - above Boulder
Skywalkerbeth: Canyon Road Gallery again
Skywalkerbeth: Little Red Schoolhouse near Leadville (highest town in the US)
Skywalkerbeth: Santa Fe