skyring: Main entrance, facing onto the car park.
skyring: Guiding light
skyring: Main room: all smiles
skyring: We only need this much space for a classroom
skyring: From the foyer
skyring: Main room, storage, bench, whiteboard.
skyring: Main room storage.
skyring: Front unit
skyring: Front unit looking towards foyer.
skyring: Kitchen sink
skyring: View of the kitchen
skyring: Kitchen
skyring: Main room
skyring: Main room.
skyring: Main room, whiteboard
skyring: Main room, looking back towards foyer
skyring: Stairs to the next floor, where there is a communal kitchen, toilets and a shower. The figures at the end of the hallway mark the position of the amenities on this floor.
skyring: small office
skyring: Looking into the foyer.
skyring: View outside.