Skylinepath: Practicing my Demo
Skylinepath: 2011 Circuit Assembly, in Mbarara
Skylinepath: Missionary Home
Skylinepath: The Young and the Old
Skylinepath: The Lazy Photographer
Skylinepath: Taking Pictures of people Taking Pictures
Skylinepath: Trevor and the Old guy that talks a lot
Skylinepath: Borrowing Taby's Camera
Skylinepath: 2011 Circuit Assembly, in Mbarara (March 19-20)
Skylinepath: Chairmen's Office/Accommodations Office
Skylinepath: Baptism Pool/Clothes Rack
Skylinepath: Run, Sam, Run!
Skylinepath: Baptismal Talk
Skylinepath: >Continued>
Skylinepath: Sitting with the Panduros
Skylinepath: Makoto and Satomi
Skylinepath: Muh Hammer
Skylinepath: The Tall and the Short
Skylinepath: Elephants!
Skylinepath: Elephants!
Skylinepath: Elephants!