skyfaller: A gorgeous day in Bethesda, MD
skyfaller: Becky Abraham sticking her tongue out
skyfaller: Infrared camera
skyfaller: Herbert hovers above a V1 flying bomb
skyfaller: Nelson unleashes his anger on a teddy bear
skyfaller: Nelson, caught in the act
skyfaller: Lamers, Inc.
skyfaller: Asheesh poses with the bus driver
skyfaller: The Lamers bus recedes into the distance
skyfaller: Obligatory photo of Asheesh on the mall
skyfaller: Obligatory photo with the Washington Monument in the background
skyfaller: Asheesh poses with Herbert in front of the house with fux0red depth perception
skyfaller: Mmm, milk.
skyfaller: Come meet your mammal relatives
skyfaller: I'll be seeing you / in every lovely summer's day