Skyco: When you give someone else the camera...
Skyco: Blur
Skyco: Up next, the happy recap
Skyco: Shea in all its splendor
Skyco: John 3:16
Skyco: And we're under way
Skyco: Ceremonial first pitch, nice and retro
Skyco: _I'm_ Keith Hernandez
Skyco: Pomp
Skyco: Shinjo!
Skyco: HOJO
Skyco: The cleanest you'll see Shea this year
Skyco: Mr Met
Skyco: The future Citi Field
Skyco: Where Shea meets Citi Field
Skyco: The happiest day of the year
Skyco: Ladies man
Skyco: Phillies batting practice
Skyco: Beware...
Skyco: More Citi Field construction
Skyco: Meta
Skyco: Noche de Merengue
Skyco: Setting the stage
Skyco: Las Chicas del Can
Skyco: Las Chicas del Can
Skyco: Filthy tarp
Skyco: Merengue-hater
Skyco: Down the line
Skyco: I'm talking to you
Skyco: Safe!