B.Riordan.: This is my best friend.
B.Riordan.: She spits on summers and smiles to the night
B.Riordan.: Jump into that water and see for yourself
B.Riordan.: my friends!
B.Riordan.: In the river we will go,
B.Riordan.: The mountains stand around you
B.Riordan.: Linnea in the Sun Redone
B.Riordan.: "I'm going to erase your face from my memory (card)"
B.Riordan.: "I am an Old Lady expression and your eyes are an Alien Fetus."
B.Riordan.: Grimace.
B.Riordan.: Linnea in the Sun
B.Riordan.: Linnea
B.Riordan.: Go Outside