B.Riordan.: So Long, Lonesome
B.Riordan.: This is Karolina.
B.Riordan.: She spits on summers and smiles to the night
B.Riordan.: Through the Backyards
B.Riordan.: This is something I found in an attic.
B.Riordan.: This is Conor!
B.Riordan.: This is my best friend.
B.Riordan.: This is a dead bear.
B.Riordan.: Sun Hands
B.Riordan.: Been Listening
B.Riordan.: Dead leaves and the dirty ground
B.Riordan.: "I've been into the plants and simple treasures."
B.Riordan.: This is Conor.
B.Riordan.: And I've come reveling, burning incandescently.