*J*C*: 365.1 -- turn you OFF
*J*C*: 365.2
*J*C*: 365.3
*J*C*: 365.4 white flowers and white houses
*J*C*: 365.5 - wink right, wink left and jumping thumbs
*J*C*: 365.6
*J*C*: 365.7 - long plane trips
*J*C*: 365.8 wish my shoes onto my feet.
*J*C*: 365.9 - sometimes i want to kill
*J*C*: 3.10a - croise devant
*J*C*: 365.11 - it's all about flickr
*J*C*: 365.12a
*J*C*: 365.13 waking up to a saturday morning snuggle
*J*C*: 365.14a -- mind control
*J*C*: 365.15a melancholy
*J*C*: 365.16a i want my eyes to slant up
*J*C*: 365.17a dancer's feet
*J*C*: 365.18a stop tugging on me!
*J*C*: 365.19 asymmetric
*J*C*: 365.20a
*J*C*: 365.21 a punished little girl without a little curl
*J*C*: 365.22 - wiped
*J*C*: 365.23a - aggggghhhhh!
*J*C*: 365.24a watching out for flying houses -- and dodging them
*J*C*: 365.25 just blah
*J*C*: 365.26a - stop and smell the roses
*J*C*: 365.27 - time out
*J*C*: 365.28a
*J*C*: 365.29 orbs of light
*J*C*: 365.30 - a tribute to vikki