Skues (on and off): Young Redstart (female)
Skues (on and off): Common Redstart
Skues (on and off): Young Blackbird
Skues (on and off): Wood Nuthatch
Skues (on and off): Chaffinch (male)
Skues (on and off): Woodpecker
Skues (on and off): Greenfinch
Skues (on and off): An Acrobat
Skues (on and off): Crested Tit
Skues (on and off): Great spotted woodpecker - juvenile
Skues (on and off): Greenfinch
Skues (on and off): Crested Tit
Skues (on and off): Crested Tit
Skues (on and off): Red squirrel
Skues (on and off): Eurasian jay
Skues (on and off): Wood Pigeon
Skues (on and off): The Greenfinches