Skues (on and off): The Vagrant Darter
Skues (on and off): The Ringlet
Skues (on and off): Summer Snow
Skues (on and off): yet another Fly
Skues (on and off): a sunset plum
Skues (on and off): Wild Pears
Skues (on and off): little green insect on white flower
Skues (on and off): Queen of Spain Fritillary - feeding
Skues (on and off): Feeding Bee
Skues (on and off): The Small Copper - male
Skues (on and off): The Short Tailed Blue
Skues (on and off): Lycaenidae - cupido argiades
Skues (on and off): Feeding Bumblebee
Skues (on and off): Bumblebee-crop
Skues (on and off): the Peacock Butterfly
Skues (on and off): Wasp with its prey
Skues (on and off): Small Copper
Skues (on and off): Small Copper
Skues (on and off): Cockchafer Female
Skues (on and off): Red Beetle