skuds: parliament
skuds: waterloohouse
skuds: officeblock
skuds: eye2
skuds: eye1
skuds: corner
skuds: beach
skuds: 2 towers
skuds: Solar
skuds: Eye
skuds: Tate Gallery
skuds: Looking North
skuds: Power Station
skuds: View
skuds: Tracks
skuds: Lower Marsh Market
skuds: Clerkenwell Church
skuds: Clerkenwell Green
skuds: At least nobody stole it
skuds: Glass
skuds: Spur Rd
skuds: Vauxhall bus station
skuds: Pissoir
skuds: Looking East
skuds: East along the river
skuds: Looking South(ish)
skuds: View to the East
skuds: Albert Embankment
skuds: Bikes
skuds: Spy Central