THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "Caprichos" #28, from a new series of collages inspired by Goya's aquatint print set of same title.*
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "Caprichos" from a new series of collages inspired by Goya's aquatint print set of same title.* reduced for detail.
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "Caprichos" #22, from a new series of collages inspired by Goya's aquatint print set of same title.*
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "Caprichos" #17, from a new series of collages inspired by Goya's aquatint print set of same title.*
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "Caprichos" #16, from a new series of collages inspired by Goya's aquatint print set of same title.*
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "Caprichos" #1, from a new series of collages inspired by Goya's aquatint print set of same title.*
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: artist's collection vintage photographs of some of the great artists of the 20th. century: recent portrait; early 1980's, of Mexican born artist Marcella Mc Pherson*
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: artist's collection vintage photographs of artist's studios: "Patio del Convento de Santa Isabela de Los Lagos where some of the greatest art of the sixties was created ; some say due to the intervention of "Santa Isabela, Santa Barbara and Chango*
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: artist's vintage photographs" make-shift artist;s studio,s: "Convento de Santa Isabela de los Lagos"*