THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: drawings on butcher paper: "fantasies of the interned" from a set of 88 privately owned drawings*
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: drawings on butcher paper: "fantasies of the interned" from a set of 88 privately owned drawings*
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: drawings on butcher paper: "fantasies of the interned" from a set of 88 privately owned drawings*
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: drawings on butcher paper: "fantasies of the interned" from a set of 88 privately owned drawings*
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: drawings on butcher paper: "fantasies of the interned" from a set of 88 privately owned drawings*
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: artist's sketchbook, hospital visits set, 2001
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "visitas conyugales"* aug.2011
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "visitas conyugales"* aug. 2011