THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: street cleaner using small brush, scrubbing sidewalk*
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: Awaiting our horses, Kovno, early thirties
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "Ever present beggar in front of convent
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "artist's collection vintage europe; pre. deluge"
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: Artists collection of vintage photographs: Sighisoara, Capital of Transylvania, 1930's
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: artist's collection vintage europe, pre deluge.
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: painting, mixed media on plywood: "peligro"* sept. 2011
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: el arte de Stefan krikl: "alma, corazon y vida"*
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: center, left, Antonio Ordonez* with Antonio Bienvenida, far right poet Aurelius Ponce, june 28, 1956