THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "the mad intern who gets to go home at night"
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "The man who lifts invisible barbells and gets fat in the ass"
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "The madman who always gets the attention"
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "locked up for my own good"
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "The straightjacket that is the wrong size"
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "the male nurse who goes by Gestapo"
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "the straightjacket for my comfort"
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "my next door neighbor, the Pope"
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "the intellectual who loves to watch the three stooges"
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "a dim view of humanity"
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: 4190mn1480, sketchbook III
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "bangi'n on the door and no one can hear me!"
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "practicing the tango in front of the invisible mirror"
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "the first nurse to wear contacts"
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "the intern who bites his fingernails and gets to go home at night"
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: Watercolor on arches paper: "The man who refused to look at those looking at him" june 2010
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: Print: "oh, he will be fine, just had to tie his hands to the stool"* june 2010
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: Painting: "No smoking!; the smoker in ward three" june 2010
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: Painting: "not to worry; sometimes they just slip into their own world"* june 2010
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: Painting on arches paper: "Cauterized"* june 2010
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: watercolor on arches paper: "Insomnia", manicomios series, june 2010
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: watercolor on arches paper, study:"entre rejas" set 2010
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: "manicomios" an artist's sketchbook