skoop: Support Animal Testing
skoop: Lorna and Matthew: Practical SVN
skoop: Matthew
skoop: Lorna
skoop: Hotel Terminal PWND
skoop: Andrei doing keynote
skoop: New PHPWomen elePHPant
skoop: Cal Evans about ZF and the CLI
skoop: Liz Smith on SPL
skoop: Liz Smith making the whole room stand
skoop: Maggie Nelson on ORMs
skoop: Made in ????
skoop: Elazar
skoop: EliW
skoop: itrebal
skoop: Uncon session on git by Matthew Weier O'Phinney
skoop: Uhm... yeah
skoop: David Zuelke working on his Pikachu talk
skoop: Keith doing stand-up comedy because first speaker isn't ready yet
skoop: The Pikachu crowd
skoop: Derick on photography
skoop: Nate Abele
skoop: Best language?
skoop: LOLCODE!
skoop: Dirty bug reports
skoop: A dirty bugreport