skoop: Ibuildings
skoop: Symfony talking to Zend Framework
skoop: Terry Chay
skoop: Terry Chay
skoop: The Best Practices
skoop: Matthew doing his talk
skoop: Marco being interviewed by
skoop: PHPWomen share some self-baked goodness
skoop: Elephpant and phpGG
skoop: Team Belgium
skoop: Derick and Marco
skoop: Matthew Weier O'Phinney
skoop: PHPWomen stand gets attention
skoop: Nabaztag
skoop: Ibuildings
skoop: Gaylord Aulke
skoop: Yair
skoop: PHPWomen stand and phpGG stand
skoop: Marco Tabini
skoop: Feeling lucky with the booth babe
skoop: Starting the second day
skoop: Zend booth
skoop: PHPWomen in the early morning
skoop: Breakfast at the hostel
skoop: Terry Chay turns orange
skoop: Pre-conference social: Netherlands - France
skoop: DPC pre-conf social in Restaurant Werck: Netherlands vs France
skoop: Symfony tutorial
skoop: Tutorial Day