skoop: Elephpants doing their trick
skoop: One fell asleep, and woke up nearly buried
skoop: Beach hike
skoop: Elephpants playing on the beach
skoop: Elephpant
skoop: Elephpant and phpGG
skoop: Holiday in Zeeland
skoop: Holiday in Zeeland
skoop: A room full of geeks
skoop: Yay, everybody got an elephpant!
skoop: Jurrien and his elephpant
skoop: Nicolas and an elePHPant
skoop: Xavier and an elePHPant
skoop: Eric and an elePHPant
skoop: Jonathan Wage down with his homie elePHPant
skoop: Cousin of the elePHPants?
skoop: Elephpants were also there
skoop: Thijs won an elephpant
skoop: Bernhard won an elephpant