stacyklaus: The front of the building
stacyklaus: Red Chairs
stacyklaus: Red chairs
stacyklaus: Back of kitchen
stacyklaus: Refrigerator & Washing Machine
stacyklaus: Front display window
stacyklaus: A hole in the ceiling...?
stacyklaus: The future wall of Cascade!
stacyklaus: Dividing wall
stacyklaus: A Very Rare Thing, Evidently.
stacyklaus: David's Sign!
stacyklaus: My Sign! YAY!!!!!
stacyklaus: The front windows
stacyklaus: Installed AC Unit
stacyklaus: SHEETROCK!
stacyklaus: The bar for the red pendant lights
stacyklaus: The bathroom
stacyklaus: Spooky
stacyklaus: Before they painted
stacyklaus: Dried paint from the ceiling
stacyklaus: Looking out the back door.
stacyklaus: Looking into the kitchen
stacyklaus: teensy little bathroom
stacyklaus: The baby hot water heater hiding.
stacyklaus: too early to tell if I like them or not.
stacyklaus: Our very strange little kitchen