skinny bunny:
Kim with airplanes
skinny bunny:
Kim with zi bike 1
skinny bunny:
Kim with zi bike 6
skinny bunny:
Kim with zi bike [and a weird vampire in the background]
skinny bunny:
Kim with and on the bike
skinny bunny:
everybody thinks that they are brothers,but the thruth is one is my brother and she is my friend.and they are boyfriend and girlfriend!
skinny bunny:
Alex on zi bike
skinny bunny:
Alexandra on zi bike
skinny bunny:
Teddy and his blereau friend
skinny bunny:
Toma on the phone
skinny bunny:
stand in double:))
skinny bunny:
a moment...
skinny bunny:
Butica giving wise advice to the models...
skinny bunny:
Butica on zi bike
skinny bunny:
skinny bunny:
team shadow
skinny bunny:
skinny bunny:
skinny bunny:
hallo thingy
skinny bunny:
skinny bunny:
Butica shooting tha video,guy and signs pointing
skinny bunny:
Calea fericirii si Aleea uitarii si Butica si un nene.
skinny bunny:
skinny bunny:
Up one
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up 2
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up 3
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up 4
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up 5
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skinny bunny: