skidargo: Bumble Bee on Globe Thistle
skidargo: Bumble Bee on Globe Thistle
skidargo: Purple Flower
skidargo: Snap Dragon
skidargo: Dottys flower
skidargo: Fragrant Water Lily
skidargo: Leafy White Orchid (White Bog Orchid)
skidargo: Lady Slippers
skidargo: Lady Slipper
skidargo: Lady Slipper
skidargo: Lady Slippers
skidargo: Snowdrops
skidargo: Woodland Sunflowers
skidargo: Woodland Sunflowers
skidargo: Lily Stamens w ant
skidargo: Two Dandilion
skidargo: Bumble Bee on a Dandilion
skidargo: white flower cluster
skidargo: Flowering tree
skidargo: Flowering tree with honey bee
skidargo: Flowering Tree
skidargo: Daffodil
skidargo: Glory of the Snow
skidargo: Daffodil
skidargo: Daffodil
skidargo: Glory of the Snow
skidargo: Glory of the Snow
skidargo: Crocus
skidargo: Early Crocus
skidargo: Fly on globe thistle