Sameen: Arbeit Macht Frei - The opening gate to Auschwitz
Sameen: One of the signs outside of the museum
Sameen: In the main row of the camp, building 11 is at the bottom
Sameen: Map of where prisoners were recorded to have been sent from
Sameen: This is potentially the most chilling thing in Auschwitz
Sameen: Waxwork recreating physically what Auschwitz would have been like
Sameen: Portait of the people being burned
Sameen: This was a pile of chamberpots that the jews had to lose
Sameen: The pile of glasses which had been left out for them
Sameen: A pile of chamberpots
Sameen: Lots of slippers - discarded slippers
Sameen: The alley of assasinations
Sameen: The flag above the execution wall
Sameen: Building 12 - leading to the basement
Sameen: The judgement to execute was made here
Sameen: The Outer Fence
Sameen: A glimmer of life in the dungeon of death
Sameen: The opposite view of Auschwitz
Sameen: My Sorry is Continually Before Me
Sameen: The place for the big uprising
Sameen: Close-up of the fence
Sameen: the double perimeter fencing
Sameen: Auschwitz - the Gas Chambers
Sameen: Hoss's final resting place
Sameen: Door to the crematorium
Sameen: The proof of the gas chambers
Sameen: The Crematorium Furnace
Sameen: Auschwitz - i can't work out what these are
Sameen: Sign to this particular building reminding you of its significance
Sameen: Another one of the concentration camp