MattHurst: water features
MattHurst: Boy vs Goose
MattHurst: seeing seals
MattHurst: head on
MattHurst: foot fossils
MattHurst: Don't look behind you!
MattHurst: walter knoll, triceratops?
MattHurst: heads down
MattHurst: king of dinosaur banks, UMB
MattHurst: tall trees
MattHurst: over your shoulder
MattHurst: sandworm stretch
MattHurst: status: Extinct
MattHurst: please stay on the path
MattHurst: elephant bath
MattHurst: tree hammocks
MattHurst: bear nap
MattHurst: hen making waves
MattHurst: pink flamingos
MattHurst: ruffled feathers
MattHurst: up in the trees
MattHurst: ssssssssss!
MattHurst: snapping turtle (finger trap)
MattHurst: Gaboon Viper
MattHurst: about to strike! (lolcat ready)
MattHurst: camouflage failure
MattHurst: reptile house
MattHurst: snakes in the ceiling
MattHurst: don't feed the animals, with change
MattHurst: plains scenery