MattHurst: otuside the moulin
MattHurst: diggnation
MattHurst: the set
MattHurst: equipment
MattHurst: stage setup
MattHurst: photographers
MattHurst: fire eating
MattHurst: fire breathing
MattHurst: participation
MattHurst: in the audience
MattHurst: do you have cameraphones?
MattHurst: cellphones in the dark
MattHurst: the crowd stews
MattHurst: intermittent
MattHurst: digg this
MattHurst: side bar
MattHurst: the set, up
MattHurst: welcome onstage
MattHurst: initial remarks
MattHurst: his family looks on
MattHurst: family and photoshop
MattHurst: product placement
MattHurst: we're live
MattHurst: huddled masses
MattHurst: involved onlookers
MattHurst: side stage
MattHurst: please XP
MattHurst: top stories
MattHurst: camera, lights
MattHurst: diggnation exits