skew-t: At the door
skew-t: Who's that at the door?
skew-t: It's hot in the sun
skew-t: Standing guard
skew-t: Yawn
skew-t: Lounging
skew-t: Not paying attention
skew-t: Smokey in his chair
skew-t: Swiftly Walking
skew-t: Jumping Onto the Deck
skew-t: Smokey and Shadow
skew-t: Looking Out From the Nest
skew-t: Dachshund Crossing
skew-t: When Dog Was Little
skew-t: Doggies
skew-t: Keeping Guard
skew-t: Behind the Sofa
skew-t: Formerly Clean Clothes
skew-t: Exploring the Yard
skew-t: Keeping Watch
skew-t: Smokey Calmly Waiting to Go Home
skew-t: Latte Under the Steering Wheel
skew-t: Red
skew-t: Sniffing Around
skew-t: Waiting To See Who's Home
skew-t: Sleepy
skew-t: In the Dirt
skew-t: On the Alert
skew-t: Smokey
skew-t: Blinding Sun