skettie2001: young Ralph Ketchum
skettie2001: Glen Sparks
skettie2001: George,Emma,Walt,Lawrence,Becky Ketchum and friends
skettie2001: Charles, unknown, Elva Ketchum
skettie2001: Letha, Leona,Geo Talmage Ketchum
skettie2001: John Nall
skettie2001: Chris Sparks
skettie2001: ducky Barbara
skettie2001: Ida and Georgia
skettie2001: Orville Ketchum & friend
skettie2001: Ray and Thelma Sparks
skettie2001: saw mill
skettie2001: Bill and Eunice Sparks
skettie2001: Agnes and Clara
skettie2001: Agnes, Georgia and friends
skettie2001: Emma & George
skettie2001: Wayne and Cenith
skettie2001: grist mill
skettie2001: harvest time
skettie2001: Bea Skinner
skettie2001: Caroline and Arrena
skettie2001: CJHills
skettie2001: lumberjacks
skettie2001: River Logging
skettie2001: Dave Drury
skettie2001: James and Arrena Wallace
skettie2001: Lucinda and Ida Wallace
skettie2001: Eva Jeffries
skettie2001: Lucille Jeffries and her aunt Beulah Bell
skettie2001: Henry Allen Bell