sketchbookbuttons: 7-10-2017 4 views of a small object- macro
sketchbookbuttons: Catchphrase 2/26 outline 8-2-2017
sketchbookbuttons: 8-5-2017 catchphrase 5: found poetry
sketchbookbuttons: 8-10-17 catchphrase "repeat"
sketchbookbuttons: Catchphrase (l) code and symbols
sketchbookbuttons: 9-2-2017 art journal
sketchbookbuttons: 9-3-2017 art journal
sketchbookbuttons: 2 of 3 collages to complete 10/30 March pages assignment
sketchbookbuttons: Logan 29/30 February portraits
sketchbookbuttons: 28/30 February portraits - 3-10-2018
sketchbookbuttons: 3-13-2018 introduction for March 30 portraits 0/30
sketchbookbuttons: Eyes- 4-16-2018
sketchbookbuttons: 4-17-2018 portrait practice
sketchbookbuttons: 4-17-2018 portrait practice
sketchbookbuttons: 4-17-2018 portrait practice