skemmons2001: Bunch of alligators waiting for food
skemmons2001: Bunch of alligators waiting for food
skemmons2001: Mangrove snake
skemmons2001: Cottonmouth
skemmons2001: Spectacled cobra - this one stays in the box!
skemmons2001: Prairie rattler
skemmons2001: DSC00848
skemmons2001: DSC00849
skemmons2001: DSC00855
skemmons2001: Barn owl
skemmons2001: Barn owl
skemmons2001: Yellow-headed vulture
skemmons2001: DSC00863
skemmons2001: Blue and gold macaw
skemmons2001: DSC00868
skemmons2001: Blue and gold macaw
skemmons2001: DSC00870
skemmons2001: Whispering tree
skemmons2001: Cuban crocodile