skemmons2001: Bear cubs playing
skemmons2001: Bear cubs playing
skemmons2001: Bear cubs playing
skemmons2001: Grazing elk on the hillside
skemmons2001: Grazing elk bull
skemmons2001: Young female elk very interested in the truck
skemmons2001: This young reindeer was determined to use the yard sprinkler as his personal water fountain
skemmons2001: Mama bighorn sheep and her baby
skemmons2001: Big black bear
skemmons2001: Mountain lion
skemmons2001: Mountain lions
skemmons2001: Mountain lion
skemmons2001: Very wet black bear
skemmons2001: Bear in the pool - a new feature since we were here in 2019
skemmons2001: Black bear lumbering toward us
skemmons2001: "Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam..."
skemmons2001: "And the deer and the antelope play."
skemmons2001: Baby buffalo and large guardians
skemmons2001: Bear Country USA
skemmons2001: Bear Country gardens
skemmons2001: Red fox
skemmons2001: Arctic fox, summer coloration