skemmons2001: Juvenile female Bullock's oriole on a wind spinner
skemmons2001: She's a very sweet bird, but kinda dumb
skemmons2001: Adult male Bullock's oriole
skemmons2001: He knows exactly which hole is the one I fixed to fit oriole beaks...
skemmons2001: P1110743
skemmons2001: P1110744
skemmons2001: This is the juvenile female back again...
skemmons2001: P1110752
skemmons2001: P1110765
skemmons2001: P1110766
skemmons2001: P1110768
skemmons2001: P1110777
skemmons2001: She has been in the habit of putting one foot on the perch, the other in the feeder port
skemmons2001: P1110794
skemmons2001: P1110797