skemmons2001: Sleeping bear
skemmons2001: Sleeping bear - South Dakota
skemmons2001: Sleeping bear
skemmons2001: Not sleeping bear
skemmons2001: Back-scratching log
skemmons2001: Bear on a rock - note the worker's hat at the bottom of the picture
skemmons2001: And this is what the bear is so intent on
skemmons2001: Pronghorn
skemmons2001: Pronghorn
skemmons2001: Badger
skemmons2001: Badger - South Dakota
skemmons2001: Badger - South Dakota
skemmons2001: Raccoon
skemmons2001: Bobcat - South Dakota
skemmons2001: Bobcat
skemmons2001: Bobcat
skemmons2001: Coyote
skemmons2001: Arctic fox
skemmons2001: P1030452
skemmons2001: Bear cub on top of their shelter door
skemmons2001: P1030458
skemmons2001: P1030460
skemmons2001: Playing on a log
skemmons2001: Playing on a log
skemmons2001: Ground hog
skemmons2001: Ground hogs
skemmons2001: P1030463
skemmons2001: Beaver - South Dakota