skemmons2001: The first of two fairly large herds of bison in Custer State Park
skemmons2001: Bison grazing
skemmons2001: Bison grazing - several calves in this group
skemmons2001: Bison on the move
skemmons2001: View from the road through Custer State Park
skemmons2001: P1100069
skemmons2001: P1100072
skemmons2001: P1100075
skemmons2001: P1100076
skemmons2001: View of Mt. Rushmore from Custer State Park
skemmons2001: View of Mt. Rushmore from Custer State Park
skemmons2001: P1100082
skemmons2001: P1100083
skemmons2001: P1100085
skemmons2001: At the Visitors' Center...
skemmons2001: P1100095
skemmons2001: P1100096
skemmons2001: P1100105
skemmons2001: The second of two herds of bison that we saw in the park
skemmons2001: P1100113
skemmons2001: Traveling along the Wildlife Loop in the park
skemmons2001: P1100118
skemmons2001: We saw small groups of pronghorn all through the park; also saw a few deer
skemmons2001: Pronghorn (not an antelope)
skemmons2001: More pronghorn
skemmons2001: Pronghorn
skemmons2001: The begging donkeys of Custer State Park - our dachshund went nuts!
skemmons2001: P1100160
skemmons2001: P1100166
skemmons2001: P1100169