skemmons2001: P1100789
skemmons2001: P1100790
skemmons2001: This really startled me...
skemmons2001: Reptile Gardens' rendition of Mt. Rushmore
skemmons2001: Beautiful chunk of rose quartz
skemmons2001: Rose quartz in a garden at Reptile Gardens
skemmons2001: Copperhead
skemmons2001: One of the rattlers, don't know which one
skemmons2001: Common Cantil
skemmons2001: Desert Horned Viper
skemmons2001: Here's lookin' at you! (Probably the American alligator)
skemmons2001: American Alliigator (I think)
skemmons2001: Cuban Crocodiles
skemmons2001: Cuban crocodile
skemmons2001: Maniac, the huge saltwater crocodile
skemmons2001: Maniac, the saltwater crocodile
skemmons2001: Maniac, the huge saltwater crocodile
skemmons2001: Maniac, the huge saltwater crocodile
skemmons2001: Maniac, the huge saltwater crocodile
skemmons2001: Maniac's tongue and teeth
skemmons2001: Maniac - I don't think he's smiling
skemmons2001: Gila Monster (we only once saw him out of his bowl)
skemmons2001: Fiji Island Banded Iguana
skemmons2001: Fiji Island Banded Iguana
skemmons2001: These pretty little things are poisonous and I don't remember the name
skemmons2001: These pretty little things are poisonous and I don't remember the name
skemmons2001: One of a number of strange green frogs - don't remember which one this is
skemmons2001: Another odd-looking frog
skemmons2001: Eyelash Horned Frogs