skemmons2001: The Twin Sisters, Sangre de Cristo range, behind us across US highway 50
skemmons2001: Part of the Sangre de Cristo range west of the Twin Sisters
skemmons2001: 3-shot panorama of the Sangre de Cristo range extending west of the Twin Sisters
skemmons2001: Clouds over the Twin Sisters, Sangre de Cristo range
skemmons2001: 7-shot panorama of the Twin Sisters
skemmons2001: Twin Sisters, Sangre de Cristo range
skemmons2001: One of the Twin Sisters - Sangre de Cristo range, Howard, Colorado
skemmons2001: One of the Twin Sisters
skemmons2001: The view behind us, across US highway 50.
skemmons2001: The Twin Sisters in the Sangre de Cristo range - Howard, Colorado
skemmons2001: The view from the front of our 5th wheel. The trains quit running several years ago.